
NATO Attack Kills Taliban Commander - TIMEuggs storeCheap Ugg Boots on sale

Afghan President Hamid Karzai

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(KABUL,uggs store, Afghanistan) — An airstrike and a raid by ground troops killed eight insurgents, including a senior Taliban leader who spearheaded attacks against Afghan security forces, NATO said Thursday as the war in Afghanistan entered its 10th year.

Maulawi Jawadullah — accused of organizing deadly ambushes,Cheap Ugg Boots on sale, roadside bomb attacks,uggs for cheap, and abductions of Afghan police and soldiers in northern Afghanistan — was killed in the airstrike Wednesday in Takhar province,ugg Australian, an alliance statement said. (See pictures of the battle against the Taliban.)

Jawadullah was linked to the recent deaths of 10 Afghan National Police officers during an attack on a police station in neighboring Kunduz province,uggs sale, the statement said.

Seven other Taliban also died in the assault, including three who opened fire from a forest when coalition forces moved in following the airstrike, NATO said. (See pictures of the U.S. Marines' offensive in Afghanistan.)

Thursday was the nine-year anniversary of the American invasion of Afghanistan,ugg classic cardy, a frustrating benchmark for those who expected a quick exit after small targeted forces toppled the Taliban from power in 2001.

"NATO is here and they say they are fighting terrorism, and this is the 10th year and there is no result yet,Cheap Uggs," Karzai said in an emotional speech last week. "Our sons cannot go to school because of bombs and suicide attacks."

Even as NATO touts success at routing the insurgency, there are signs that it is losing the trust of the Afghan people.

In a report released Thursday,Ugg Boots Free Shipping, the Open Society Foundations — a think tank backed by liberal billionaire George Soros — said that Afghans are increasingly angry and resentful about the international presence in Afghanistan and do not believe figures showing that insurgents are to blame for most attacks and civilian deaths.

"While statistics show that insurgents are responsible for most civilian casualties, many we interviewed accused international forces of directly stoking the conflict and causing as many, if not more,Ugg online, civilian casualties than the insurgents," the researchers say in the report.

The report was based on interviews in late 2009 and 2010 of more than 250 Afghans in seven provinces,Ugg boots online, along with discussions with community leaders in other parts of the country.

It suggests that NATO's message either is not getting out or is disregarded by Afghans,P90x Reviews, despite stepped-up press releases about their successes in protecting civilians and development projects over the past year.

The report argues that NATO has failed to fight back against the disinformation because the military coalition dismisses the percents as based on rumors, conspiracy theories, propaganda, or bad analysis.

"However,UGG Boots Online, many of these perceptions seemed based as much on actual policies, albeit often due to indirect effects, as on propaganda or lack of information," the report says. "Many Afghan communities drew these conclusions only after they suffered from civilian casualties,ugg bottes, night raids, detention operations,ugg australia boots, and saw few signs of progress in their country."

Meanwhile, NATO reported the death of a service member in a roadside bombing in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday, without providing the nationality or specifying the location of the attack. The death was at least the 14th sustained by the NATO force so far in October,uggs outlet store, according to a count by The Associated Press.

In other violence,Ugg Boots, assailants threw a hand grenade at a wedding party, wounding four people in eastern Wardak province, Afghan's Interior Ministry said Thursday. A ministry statement did not specify when the attack occurred.

Associated Press Writer Heidi Vogt contributed to this report.

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